Cappella Mariana: Smolka

5. 4. 2024 | 19:30

Cappella Mariana: Smolka

M. Smolka: Niedzielne rano

5. 4. 2024 | 19:30

St. Augustin Church, nám. Míru 377, Brno

Martin Smolka, a prominent Czech composer, has written a composition commissioned by the Easter Festival directly for the renowned vocal ensemble Cappella Mariana. The world premier of the piece Niedzielne rano will be performed together with Easter liturgical compositions from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Barbora KABÁTKOVÁ | soprano
Daniela ČERMÁKOVÁ | alto
Vojtěch SEMERÁD | tenor, artistic director
Tomáš LAJTKEP | tenor
Tomáš ŠELC | baritone

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