Josquin Desprez & Jean Richafort
Barbora KABÁTKOVÁ | soprano
Vojtěch SEMERÁD | tenor, artistic director
Tomáš LAJTKEP | tenor
Ondřej HOLUB | tnoer
Marek ŠULC | baritone
Jaromír NOSEK | bass
Jean Richafort was the most talented of all Josquin Desprez’s students. He became member of the Royal Chapel of Louis XIII and later was employed at the court of Mary of Hungary in Brussels. Upon the death of his great teacher, Richafort composed an elaborate requiem, using the texts of both the Ordinary and the Proper to pay tribute to the master of the renaissance polyphony. This piece, unusually long for the time of its origin, is a unique piece of exquisite beauty and purity.
The programme comprises also Desprez’s Miserere mei, one of the most popular compositions in the 16th century.
Josquin Desprez (c1450 – 1521)
Miserere mei Deus
Jean Richafort (c1480 – c1547)
Requiem in memoriam Josquin Desprez

Forthcoming Events
- 25. 2. 2025
Saint Wenceslas
Konvent Milosrdných bratří, Brno
4. 3. 2025Guillaume de Machaut
Reduta, Uherské Hradiště
28. 3. 2025Die Odysee von Kryštof Harant
Reinoldihaus Dortmund