Maiestas Dei
Adoration of saints in Medieval Bohemia
Hana BLAŽÍKOVÁ | soprano, gothic harp
Vojtěch SEMERÁD | tenor
Tomáš LAJTKEP | tenor
Ondřej HOLUB | tenor
Jaromír NOSEK | bass
Vojtěch SEMERÁD | artistic director
Adoration of main Bohemina patrons literally growed the history of the nation that has in its saints own spiritual essence. Besides numerous shrines dedicated to their cult arise in the late Middle Ages many musical oeuvres composed in their honor.
The concert program presents deeply revered saints of Bohemia in Middle Ages, especially St. Wenceslaus, St. Ludmila and St. Vojtěch. It is composed by choral songs, hymns and motets from Czech sources of the same period. The last piece Ave coronata is the only one known isorytmic motet of middle European provenience and is attribute to the court of Charles IV.
It should be noted that in the 14th century Prague was the seat of the Roman emperor and together with Paris it was the largest city north of the Alps. It has become a major cultural center whence emanated so called „beautiful“ style of Gothic art.
Invitatorium Hodie exultandum
Kyrie Fons bonitatis
Antiphona Laudes canens Dividicas
Responsorium O presul Christi
Antiphona Letare Bohemia
Guillaume de Machaut | Helas! ou sera pris confors
Cantio Wenceslao duci claro
Guillaume de Machaut | He!Mors
Hymnus Urbs Ierusalem beata
Lejch Ach homo fragilis
Guillaume Dufay | Anima mea liquefacta es
Otep myrhy
Quae es ista
Ave coronata
Forthcoming Events
- 13. 9. 2024
Machaut | Le Jugement du Roy de Behaigne
Chateau Nebílovy
14. 9. 2024Machaut | Le Jugement du Roy de Behaigne
Basilika St Euphemia, Rovinj (HR)
21. 9. 2024Kryštof Harant: Journey to the Holy land
Church of St. Jakub Starší, Česká Kamenice